Healthy Communities • Healthy Youth
Healthy Communities • Healthy Youth is a community partnership created in Hopewell Valley 28 years ago. It is a unique approach that empowers the community to promote the positive development of its children and teens. More specifically it motivates and equips individuals, families, organizations, and communities to work together to build Developmental Assets. More than 1,000 communities across the United States have formed cross-sector coalitions, like ours, to implement the Developmental Asset model in their communities.
By bringing various community sectors together and to learn the benefits of Developmental Assets experienced by youth, we are building a healthier community and healthier youth. These developmental assets are 40 positive supports and strengths young people need to succeed. Research consistently shows that young people from all backgrounds do better when they have a strong foundation of these supports in their lives. In addition the more of theses strengths and supports they experience, the less likely to engage in at-risk behaviors.
To see what percentage of Hopewell Valley students experience each of the 40 Developmental Assets check the Developmental Assets Hopewell Valley Youth Report.
By bringing various community sectors together and to learn the benefits of Developmental Assets experienced by youth, we are building a healthier community and healthier youth. These developmental assets are 40 positive supports and strengths young people need to succeed. Research consistently shows that young people from all backgrounds do better when they have a strong foundation of these supports in their lives. In addition the more of theses strengths and supports they experience, the less likely to engage in at-risk behaviors.
To see what percentage of Hopewell Valley students experience each of the 40 Developmental Assets check the Developmental Assets Hopewell Valley Youth Report.
To find out more about us, visit our About page